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Arvin juliana
Nov 19, 2021
In Pilgrimage
The high levels of fiber, vitamins and minerals contained in beets make it a very interesting vegetable on a nutritional level. Although I do not share the meaning or use of the term "superfood" (and every time I hear it, a fruit with a Superman cape comes to mind, let it be said), the reality is that there are certain types of food that, at the level nutritional and based on objective scientific studies, they have been shown to be pleasantly beneficial to health and should be taken into account for this reason. However, we must not fall into the error of overvaluing these foods, nor their benefits, and much put the prefix "super"; not appropriate. Among these foods whose health benefits make them stand out and be the focus of various studies we have, among others, beets, a vegetable whose nutritional profile makes it striking by containing significant amounts of fiber, vitamin C, magnesium and acid folic. On the other hand, and according to some studies, beets have been shown to collaborate and help improve physical and sexual health. Today we will review 6 studies on beets. Beets and weight loss Due to its lack of fat and its significant amount of dietary fiber, beetroot contributes to good intestinal function and the reduction of blood cholesterol. For its part, magnesium contributes to the proper functioning of nerves and muscles, something that can indirectly help in weight loss. According to a study published in 2011, precisely magnesium (although in that case it was in the form of supplements) was shown to increase the levels of testosterone in the men participating in it, a hormone that in turn promotes the loss of adipose tissue (fat) and increases muscle mass. Finally, beets also contain other types of nutrients called betalains -betanin and vulgaxanthin-, which have shown some antioxidant power. Beets and increased strength If our goal is to increase body strength, apart from going to the gym or doing a series of strength exercises at home or outdoors, we must also take into account the need for a good basic diet. Among other necessary nutrients in this diet, it is a good idea to include beets. According to a study published in the Journal of Applied Physiology, drinking beet juice before exercising can contribute to increasing body strength by up to 16%. According to the researchers responsible for this study, this increase in strength is due to the nitrate contained in beets, which is converted in the body into nitric oxide, thus reducing the need for oxygen in low intensity exercises while improving exercise resistance in high intensity exercises. Beets and digestion Again, remembering its high fiber content, beets have also been linked to an improvement in digestion thanks to the stimulation of the intestinal nervous system. On average, for every 100 g of beets there are 3.1 g of fiber, which makes this vegetable a good source of fiber. Beets and blood pressure Although at the dietary level there are various ways to correctly control blood pressure (reducing the consumption of stimulants such as theine or caffeine, reducing the consumption of salt and controlling the general body weight), some foods have collaborated in actively reducing this health parameter. According to a study published in Nutrition, beet juice is also capable of significantly reducing blood pressure in men (although not in women). In this case, taking around 0.5 L of beet juice (three-quarters of beets and a quarter of apple juice), reduced systolic blood pressure (or "high pressure") after the passage of six hours, although in a very insignificant way. However, when only the men participating in the study were specifically analyzed, a reduction of about 4.7 points of reduction in blood pressure was confirmed overall. The theory that the researchers use is, again, the nitrate content of beets, which could produce healthy effects at the cardiovascular level by converting into nitric oxide at the body level. Beets and cancer prevention Although it is a controversial topic and a lot of research is still needed on it, some studies in animals and also in humans give beets some "protective" power against cancer. But, again, I repeat that these are controversial results and which should not yet be taken into account. On the one hand, a study carried out in animals and published last year 2013 concluded that beet extract added to the water of animals could reduce the size of multiple tumours. On the other hand, another study published in the Australian International Clinical Nutrition Review stated that a 50-year-old man, after suffering a lung tumor and consuming beets, achieved total remission of the same tumor in six weeks and managed to regain body weight in just four months. As can be seen, this is a more than controversial study and only with a single individual, something that is very insignificant at a scientific level, so the recommendation to consume beets to prevent cancer is, at the moment, very questionable. Beets and brain health Finally, beets have also been shown to help improve brain health by slowing down the progression of dementia (such as Alzheimer's disease). Thus, according to a study published in 2010, taking beet juice (due to its high number of nitrates) would increase cerebral blood flow, thus avoiding degeneration related to dementia and other cognitive disorders. On the other hand, this time in animals, another study stated that the folic acid contained in this vegetable can help protect against the damage caused by Alzheimer's disease. Specifically, dietary folic acid supplementation would have been shown to protect against the loss of brain cells in the hippocampus, the area of the brain related to memory and learning. According to the researchers, folic acid would help repair nerve cells whose DNA has been damaged. Conclusion In conclusion, we must remember that "superfoods" do not exist, and that no type of food is capable of replacing a drug, if it is necessary for whatever reason. Again, we repeat, it is true that there are many very interesting foods at a nutritional level (such as beets), and that many studies affirm this. However, they are just that, interesting at a nutritional level and beneficial at the level of general health, but miracles do not exist. The ketogenic or keto diet, which involves eating low carbs, moderate protein and high fats, is widely popular for aiding quick weight loss. However, a new study has found that there may be better ways to shed kilos and cut back on your calorie intake. A study published in Nature Medicine analysed both keto diet and, plant-based low-fat diet, to see which one is more effective for fat loss. Led by Kevin Hall, a scientist at National Institutes of Health, the study was conducted on a small group of 20 people, where half of them were asked to follow the keto diet, and the other half were asked to follow a high-carb, low-fat, plant-based diet. Keto Boom BHB
Arvin juliana
Nov 18, 2021
In Pilgrimage
The benefits of eating green apple on an empty stomach are many, we could start by saying that it is an ideal food for cleaning the body, especially if it is eaten on an empty stomach, as it promotes the cleaning of the digestive system helping to expel toxins and waste accumulated in the body as well. The renamed phrase " an apple a day keeps the doctor away " could never be more in line with the benefits of green apples. All varieties of apple have great qualities for our health, but the green ones in particular offer us protein, vitamins, minerals and fiber. They are well known for their benefits against digestive disorders and low levels of good cholesterol, regulating glucose levels and improving appetite. Benefits of green apple fasting Green apples on an empty stomach help us to keep control of some vital aspects for our day-to-day life and to improve our health. To better understand the benefits of the green apple on an empty stomach, we can learn about its direct actions on the body based on its nutritional properties. Antioxidants Green apples are one of the main sources of flavonoids in the western diet and are rich in vitamin C. The flavonoids that we find most in this type of apple are cyanidin and epicatechin. These flavonoids and vitamin C act as antioxidants and eradicate free radicals that cause cell damage. The advantage of eating a green apple on an empty stomach is that we give our body the ability to fight these free radicals from the first moment of the day. This helps the production of healthy cells and reduces the onset of chronic diseases. Green apples are one of the best enemies of heart disease, cardiovascular accidents, and diabetes. Weight loss A green apple on an empty stomach will help those who are in the process of losing weight. Because they are very low in calories, just 80 calories per piece, and their high fiber content you can fight morning hunger. Of course, a green apple is not enough food, the ideal is to eat it just when you wake up so that your metabolism begins to work while you do your pre-breakfast tasks. By consuming an apple in this way, we allow its soluble fiber to promote the work of the intestinal tract and will make you feel satisfied with less food during breakfast. Regulates blood glucose A green apple on an empty stomach helps us stabilize blood sugar levels, something very important for people with diabetes or those at risk of diabetes. It must be remembered that during the hours we sleep our metabolism continues to function and the pancreas may have difficulties regulating the glucose in our body. Since the green apple is rich in soluble fiber, eating it on an empty stomach slows the absorption of sugar in the intestine and this effect lasts much of the day. Studies show that women who eat a green apple on an empty stomach are up to 30% less likely to develop type 2 diabetes. According to doctors, we need 28 grams of fiber a day and a green apple provides us with 5 grams of dietary fiber. This amount applied to fasting facilitates the work of our body for the rest of the day. Green apple and healthy teeth It is common that after a night of partying we forget to brush our teeth. When this happens to you, you can eat a green apple on an empty stomach and take advantage of its fibrous skin that stimulates the production of saliva. This will help reduce the number of bacteria in your mouth, which attack your teeth and can cause cavities. This is a good practice even though you are brushing your teeth after breakfast because it will help prevent too many bacteria from taking advantage of breakfast sweeteners. Constant heart rate Another reason to consume a green apple on an empty stomach is that its potassium content is slightly high compared to other types of apples. Potassium is an electrolyte that balances the moisture in cells. This is vital for the heart to beat properly at all times. If we do not consume the necessary amount of potassium throughout the day, we run the risk that our heart cannot maintain a regular rhythm. Scientists indicate that we need 4,700 milligrams of potassium a day and each green apple offers 115 milligrams of potassium. This amount is enough to keep the heart rate stable from the early hours of the day. Environmental factors that influence skin aging and carcinogenesis fall into the following major categories: sun radiation (ultraviolet radiation, visible light, and infra-red radiation), air pollution, tobacco smoke, nutrition, some less well-studied factors, and cosmetic products. Hydracellum
Arvin juliana
Nov 17, 2021
In Pilgrimage
Beet (or beet) juice has been elevated to superfood status due to its many benefits. But did you know that it can increase your stamina? Beet juice has some pretty amazing benefits to offer for your skin, hair, and health. To find out more, read on! Benefits of beet juice for hair, skin and general health The nutritional value of a glass of beet juice generally contains: Nutritional value · 58 calories · 13 g carbohydrate (9 g sugar and 4 g fiber) · 2 g protein Percentages of vitamins and minerals Beets provide recommended daily doses of: · 1 percent vitamin A · 2 percent calcium · 11 percent vitamin C · 6% iron Benefits for the skin Beet juice is an excellent source of antioxidants, so its topical application has anti-aging effects. Although oxidation is a crucial process, it produces free radicals that can cause damage at the cellular level, resulting in signs of aging. The antioxidants present in beet juice neutralize these free radicals, and help prevent wrinkles and fine lines. Prevents signs of aging · 1 medium-sized beet / beet · Strainer · Cotton balls 1. Peel the beets and cut into smaller pieces. 2. Place the pieces in the blender and blend until no large chunks are present. 3. Using the strainer, separate the pulp from the juice. 4. Put the juice on the face with cotton balls. 5. Leave the juice for 10 minutes and wash it off your face with a gentle wash. This treatment can be done once a week. It is recommended that you do it at night because beet juice can leave stains. Reduces pigmentation and blemishes Vitamin C is very effective in reducing pigmentation and blemishes. Beet juice contains a significant amount of vitamin C, and it helps with skin discoloration and pigmentation. Moisturizes dry skin Beets can make your skin soft and supple. This is because it removes the top layer of dead cells. Drinking beet juice can also help keep your skin hydrated. Hair benefits Promotes hair growth. Potassium deficiency is often related to hair loss. It is a nutrient that is crucial for hair growth. Beet juice is a good source of potassium, so its intake can prevent hair loss and promote hair growth. Health benefits of beet juice Improves liver function Beet juice is often used in detox diets. This is because it helps improve liver function, which in turn helps flush toxins from your body. Increase haemoglobin levels It is very necessary that your haemoglobin remains at an optimal level for your body to function properly. A low level of haemoglobin can cause anemia, which can be avoided by regularly consuming beet juice. Haemoglobin production requires iron, folate, and vitamin B12. Beets are an excellent source of folate and a good source of iron. In fact, anemic patients are often asked to include beets in their diet. Reduces inflammation Inflammation is usually a sign that your immune system is acting in response to trauma or infection. But the symptoms, which include redness, swelling, and pain, can cause a lot of discomfort. Intake of beet juice has been shown to reduce inflammation. Beet juice contains betalains that exhibit anti-inflammatory properties. Helps prevent cancer One of the most surprising health benefits of beet juice is that it prevents cancer. Recent studies have shown that beet juice has anti-cancer properties. Cancer cells react poorly to a high level of oxygen, and beet juice helps increase oxygen intake by cells. Beet juice is alkaline in nature, which helps fight acidosis. Cancer cells thrive in acidic conditions, and ingesting beet juice creates a hostile environment for them. The anti-cancer properties of beets have also been attributed to the presence of a compound called betanin. Helps in detoxification For your body to function optimally, it needs to rid itself of toxins that could cause harm. Beet juice can help with your body's detoxification process. There are certain compounds present in beet juice called betalains that help your body excrete toxins. Improves stamina When used as a supplement, beet juice can help increase endurance and improve athletic performance. Beets help improve oxygen circulation in the muscles, resulting in better endurance and better performance. Prevent dementia Dementia is generally seen in the elderly. It is the loss of cognitive functions, resulting in impaired memory, personality changes, and faulty reasoning. There have been a number of studies that tried to find a cure or slow progress, and beet juice has been advertised as the way to prevent it. As one ages, our cognitive abilities begin to decline. One of the main reasons for this is the reduced blood flow to the brain. Research undertaken to prevent cognitive disorders such as dementia, worked on the assumption that increased blood flow can prevent or delay the condition (s). To increase blood flow to the brain, they administered nitrate-rich foods by mouth. Nitrates form nitrous oxide that improves blood flow. The oxygen supply to the brain was seen to be considerably improved and mental capacity improved with regular consumption of beet juice, which is a rich source of nitrates. Lowers blood pressure High blood pressure can have a very negative impact on your overall health. It is usually the result of narrow blood vessels causing difficulty in blood flow. This puts more pressure on the heart to pump blood, and speeds up the wasting process. Beet juice, considered one of the healthiest foods in the world, can help lower blood pressure. Several studies have shown that consumption of beet juice significantly reduces blood pressure. This has been attributed to the fact that beets are rich in nitrates. Nitrates are important to our bodies because they break down to form nitrous oxide which is a vasodilator, which means it helps in the expansion of blood vessels to accommodate more blood flow and relieve pressure on the heart. Helps cure arthritis Although large amounts of beets can make it difficult to absorb calcium, beets help heal and prevent arthritis by dissolving accumulated deposits around the joints and tissues. The high alkaline content of beet juice is what causes the dissolution of these deposits. Fight anemia Anemia is a condition in which the blood has low levels of hemoglobin. Beets contain large amounts of phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, zinc, calcium, iodine, sulfur, copper, fat, vitamins B1, B2, B6, vitamin P, and niacin. Hence, it helps fight anemia. Control Diabetes Beets have alpha-lipoic acid, an antioxidant that lowers glucose levels and increases insulin sensitivity. Relieves stress-induced changes in diabetics. Studies confirm that this antioxidant fights conditions such as peripheral and autonomic neuropathy in diabetic people. Prevents arteriosclerosis Nitric oxide is essential for the dilation of blood vessels and helps improve blood flow. It becomes an effective prevention for arterial diseases such as arteriosclerosis. Beets contain considerable amounts of nitric oxide, thus helping to reduce the chances of arteriosclerosis. Provides protection against free radical damage This incredible powerhouse of strength and vitality also contains betalains or phytonutrients that have a good effect on our general health. Betalains give this vegetable its unique red color and are very rich in antioxidants. They are also good for detoxifying the entire body and fighting inflammation. Two important phytonutrients in beets are betanin and vulgaxanthin, which protect the body from free radical damage by getting rid of harmful toxins that enter our body through diet and air. Works as a body cleanser Beet juice, when combined with carrot or cucumber juice, works wonders to cleanse the body from within, cleansing important organs such as the kidneys and gallbladder. Other benefits of beet juice · Iron helps in the production of red blood cells in the body. · Beets have foliated that help the synthesis of DNA in cells. · Its fibers are useful to slow down the conversion of fiber into glucose. Therefore, it is very beneficial for people who have type 2 diabetes. · Fiber is also helpful in lowering cholesterol. · The nitrates present in beets widen the blood vessels that help to exercise in a better way. Therefore, it is very important for athletes. · Beets also have silica. Silica is useful for strengthening hair and bones and even for maintaining good, glowing skin. Selection and storage As with most fresh juices, beet juice cannot be stored for long. If you are preparing beet juice, immediate consumption is recommended. This is due to two factors - the heat generated during juicing and oxidation - which can cause the juice to degrade. You can store the juice in the refrigerator if you are supposed to consume it in a few days. Adding lemon or lime juice, or any other fruit that contains citric acid, can help extend the shelf life of the juice, as it acts as a natural preservative. Make sure you use an airtight glass container to store the juice. Another way to preserve juice is to freeze it, but it can result in nutrient loss. Always extract the juice from fresh, raw beets. Cooking or steaming can cause beets to lose their nutritional value. Other tips for using beet juice · It can be used as makeup. Simply dip a cotton swab in the juice, and apply to your lips for a beautiful reddish stain. · Beets add a healthier plus to your smoothies or juices with apple, kale, or spinach. · Beet juice is essentially health in a glass. So be sure to incorporate it into your diet. Caution Although beet juice is safe when consumed in moderate amounts, drinking excessive beet juice can cause low calcium levels and worsen kidney disease. Beet juice can also result in a condition called bacteria, where urine turns pink or red. It is not considered harmful, but it may indicate an iron deficiency. Weighing too much is not good for your health. Being overweight increases your risk of health problems, like heart problems, high blood pressure, diabetes, and some kinds of cancer. A calorie is a unit of energy that your body gets from food. Calories are stored as fat if you eat more calories than you need. ExtraBurn Keto
Arvin juliana
Nov 16, 2021
In Pilgrimage
Are you expecting a new member in your family? Do you want to make sure you eat a nutritious diet during pregnancy? Are you tired of bland foods? Do you want better options? If you have agreed to several of these questions, you should consider including broccoli in your diet. Read our article and find out about the benefits of consuming broccoli during pregnancy. Bottom line: The variety of vitamins and minerals that broccoli contains, along with other nutritional agents, makes it the perfect food to improve not only your physical health and well-being, but also to provide a good boost to your baby's development. Broccoli is a cruciferous vegetable that originally belongs to Italy and became popular a long time ago, it is full of nutrients, antioxidants and trace elements, it offers many advantages for you and your baby, to get its benefits you can eat raw or cooked broccoli. Broccoli during pregnancy: Let's take a look at some of the main benefits of eating broccoli while pregnant. 1. Prevents anemia Broccoli is rich in iron and folic acid, eating broccoli during pregnancy ensures a good level of hemoglobin and avoids the risk of anemia. 2. Skin protection Pregnancy produces increased sensitivity of the skin. UV radiation can easily penetrate and damage the skin. Broccoli not only helps protect our skin; it also helps give it shine. This is due to the various vitamins such as K, B, E and A that work to maintain a healthy skin structure. 3. Strengthens the bones Women are more prone to osteoporosis. Broccoli is rich in calcium, magnesium, zinc, and phosphorus. By consuming it, you ensure an adequate intake of all the essential minerals that make solid bones and avoid the risk of osteoporosis. 4. Guarantees a healthy pregnancy Broccoli is an excellent source of folic acid, which eliminates neurological defects, such as spina bifida, eating broccoli during pregnancy ensures the health of the mother along with that of her baby. 5. Protects the skin from UV rays Broccoli is rich in glucoraphanin sulforaphane and minimizes skin inflammation and damage resulting from exposure to ultraviolet radiation, broccoli is a rich source of vitamin B, vitamin E, vitamin A, vitamin K, omega-3 fatty acids, amino acids, and folic acid. 6. Increases immunity Broccoli is packed with vitamin C, beta-carotene, selenium, zinc, copper, phosphorus, and other essential vitamins and minerals. Eating broccoli during pregnancy increases our immunity thus avoiding the risk of diseases in infections to both the mother and the baby. 7. Reduce constipation Almost all pregnant women will experience constipation during pregnancy, which would also be one of the most uncomfortable things for her. The body is undergoing tremendous changes, hormone levels fluctuate, and iron supplements are being taken. All these changes also end up affecting the stimulation of the intestine. The fiber content in broccoli is substantial. This helps you contain water, promote bowel movements, and relieve constipation. The 3-Day Diet is a very specific food plan that is meant to be followed exactly as outlined. Portions must be eaten exactly as specified. Eating more than is recommended is not advised and it recommends dieters consume all meals, even if they are not hungry. Dieters are also instructed to drink 4 cups of water or other beverages that do not have any calories each day. Exipure Review
Arvin juliana
Nov 11, 2021
In Pilgrimage
Hair loss can be treated if we know how to choose the right products, those that can strengthen the roots of the hair and also help improve blood circulation, below you can know the 10 steps to follow to reverse the problem of alopecia and stop hair loss of the hair. Although this hair problem can occur more frequently in middle-aged men, hair loss in women is also a very current issue, and everything seems to indicate that the rhythm of our hectic life, plus the unhealthy environment, they make a perfect match for this to happen. They say that it is normal to lose up to 100 hairs in a day. True or not, it is important that you pay special attention if this happens. The intention is not that you collect them one by one to count them, it would be crazy, but that you apply treatments that stop hair loss. Rain, wind, sun, pollution, hair loss due to stress and many other external factors affect this, but there may also be health problems and conditions such as alopecia or alopecia areata, which could be causing the shedding of the hair strand. Treatment for hair loss Faced with an irregular situation in your hair, it is best to consult a specialist to make the relevant diagnosis. If there are no signs of pathologies, you can confidently follow these 10 steps that will help you avoid hair loss, even improving its appearance, softness and shine. 1. Incorporate foods rich in iron Food undoubtedly influences all the processes of the organism and in the field of aesthetics there are no exceptions. The vitamins and nutrients they provide are vital to maintaining health. When there is a lack of iron, for example, the hair becomes weak and falls out. That is why it is important to include vegetables, fruits and legumes that provide this component in the diet. We must also guarantee folic acid, biotin and zinc, essential to counteract seasonal alopecia. Sometimes it is convenient to help yourself with drugs based on these compounds. 2. Reduce stress Although not always possible, managing stress is vital. If we suffer from prolonged stress, it can end up damaging our hair to the point of preventing its growth, so it is very important to attend to your chronic stress, which is the main cause of hair loss, and also the origin of many other chronic diseases and autoimmune. In addition, tobacco and alcohol should also be avoided since, as is well known, they are harmful to the skin, hair and health in general. 3. Beware of hair straighteners The appearance that the hair dryers and irons give to the hair is fabulous, but you must take care not to abuse them. Excess heat damages the roots, causing hair loss. If you are addicted to these devices, use them from a safe distance, and apply treatments that protect the strand from heat beforehand. There are ampoules, styling creams, lotions and sprays that provide very good benefits. Pick one based on your hair type. 4. Proper drying When you get out of the shower, dry it with a towel, but be careful not to rub it. When you do, you cause the hair fibers to weaken with friction. Do not roll it up with the cloth either. It is best to give light massages and gentle touches until the excess water disappears. Avoid going to sleep with wet hair. It is a huge mistake. 5. Don't wash it daily Although the market offers shampoos for daily use, the continuous use of these chemicals can cause the follicles to break due to the lack of fat that protects them. If you suffer from excess bait, use special products and consult a dermatologist to treat oily hair, likewise you can opt for a natural shampoo that you can make at home. 6. Use natural hair products Keep in mind that there are no miraculous lotions, but there are products based on natural ingredients such as cayenne, for example, that help stop hair loss. You can also prepare infusions that you can apply to rinse. Remember that sometimes the best remedies are in the cupboard. 7. Stay hydrated You will be tired of hearing about hydration, but when it comes to beauty, it is the most important step. For hair to grow healthy and strong, it must maintain its natural moisture. Ampoules, cream baths, homemade masks and endless options you will find in the market. You only have to select one adapted to the characteristics of your hair. 8. Nutritional supplements Nutritional supplements are of great help. Vitamin E, B3, B6 and B5, stimulate the root and strengthen the hair fiber. Although they are generally harmless, it is wise to consult your doctor before ingesting any of them. 9. Avoid adjusting your hair too much The hooks, pigtails and extensions can cause serious problems if they are abused, and if they are used too tightly they can damage the hair root, so this is a recommendation to keep in mind if you are suffering from hair loss and are all day with tied hair. 10. Massages on the scalp Massage your scalp using the tips of your fingers, in this way you will activate circulation and stimulate hair growth, this is an effective way to stop hair loss. Do not be self-conscious or obsessed. Hair, like everything else, has its life cycle and regenerates itself. If you notice that the problem persists, go to the specialist, but do not despair. Satisfactorily for everything there is a solution. The most important behavioural risk factors of heart disease and stroke are unhealthy diet, physical inactivity, tobacco use and harmful use of alcohol. The effects of behavioural risk factors may show up in individuals as raised blood pressure, raised blood glucose, raised blood lipids, and overweight and obesity. These “intermediate risks factors” can be measured in primary care facilities and indicate an increased risk of heart attack, stroke, heart failure and other complications. Prociva
Arvin juliana
Nov 10, 2021
In Pilgrimage
Botox is a household name for reducing migraines and reversing the appearance of lines and wrinkles. However, side effects are something few people talk about. Some are minor; you can expect them, but some might make you think twice before trying. botox side effects Remember, we are only talking about five side effects, but there may be more. Some could have a direct correlation with underlying or unrelated diseases. Other medical conditions could be made worse by neurotoxins. If you are interested in trying it for medical or personal reasons, we believe that you should know the main side effects of Botox before making your decision. What is Botox? It is an injectable neurotoxin derived from bacteria. Also, the same neurotoxin can cause botulism. There are two common types of Botox injections, but they have the same active ingredient. One is for cosmetic use only and the other is for medical use. Doctors administer them the same way, but the injection site depends on the underlying condition they treat. What are neurotoxins? These substances affect your nervous system and can cause a variety of life-altering symptoms. Remember, alcohol is a neurotoxin, snake venom is too. Children, the elderly, and anyone with a compromised immune system will be more vulnerable to the side effects of neurotoxins. There are strong links to neurotoxin exposure and neurological behavioral disorders, such as autism and ADHD. What is Botox used for? · Migraines · Cosmetics: anti-aging / anti-wrinkle · Neck and shoulder spasms · Excessive sweating · Lazy eye (Amblyopia) · Involuntary closing of the eyelids · Overactive bladder How does Botox work? It blocks nerve communication at the injection site, which stops the ability to contract the muscles. When the muscles can no longer move, they give the skin a smoother, wrinkle-free appearance. Injections can take more than five days before a patient sees or feels results. A session lasts up to four months, less or more depending on the individual and treated condition. Who performs neurotoxin injection therapy? Any doctor can prescribe and inject it. However, dermatologists and plastic surgeons will generally have more experience. This can reduce your likelihood of side effects if you choose to use therapy despite the risks. Another factor you have to deal with is counterfeit pharmaceuticals, which happened years ago in the United States. It could happen again, which is another risk to consider as the doctors bought the fake drug. 5 side effects of injecting Botox Remember that this is not a complete list. Side effects can also occur at any time. This means that your first injection may be symptom-free, but another injection may produce them. The actual symptoms can also vary from injection to injection. You can have facial paralysis one time and flu symptoms the next. 1. Decreased facial expressions due to facial paralysis Botox can make it difficult to laugh, smile, or display other emotions. Problems producing tears may also be present. This is because facial expressions, comments, and emotions share a common bond. One study reports a decrease in emotional response after patients are treated with two popular neurotoxins. This included emotional experience, which means the level at which you feel real emotions. Researchers believe this occurs because of how closely related facial expression is to human emotions. Another way of looking at the study is to think of a time when you were really happy or excited. Your wide smile becomes contagious and you smile so hard it hurts, but pain is good. That same smile lifts your spirits and those around you. Let's say your coworker got some good news. She is excited, smiling widely. Your response is a blank, frozen stare. You can't smile back and you don't feel his joy the way you should. While you may not experience zero emotions, they are certainly not normal reactions for you. These side effects can also cause problems with negative emotions, including events that could provoke empathy, sadness, and anger. Your external reactions may not reflect internal feelings or may diminish them completely. It's quite possible that endorphins come into play here as well. However, when neurotoxins block that ability, you can diminish the experiences that you previously felt that caused facial expressions. Keep in mind that this symptom could last four to six months. If you are seriously considering injections for cosmetic or migraine reasons, you should consider a common alternative called acupuncture. Early research shows promise in increasing the elasticity of facial skin. Acupuncture can also relieve migraine pain. Essential oil therapy, including topical application, could also be helpful with few side effects. 2. Botox can cause botulism poisoning Doctors consider this to be a rare side effect, but it occurred long enough for the FDA to issue a warning statement. After the injection, you may have symptoms of botulism poisoning. Scientists and doctors believe this is because the neurotoxin can travel beyond the injection site. They will recommend that you stay upright and do not massage or touch the area to prevent it from spreading. Botox botulism symptoms · Difficulty speaking · Vision disruptions · Loss of bladder control · Feeling lethargic · Difficulty to swallow · Labored breathing · The tongue feels thick · Dry mouth · Droopy eyelids These require immediate attention because botulism poisoning is life threatening if left untreated. Permanent paralysis can also occur. However, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, symptoms may not appear right away. They can show up between six hours and 10 days later. These ailments also mimic other non-botulism side effects of botox. Because it is a life-threatening condition with possible lifelong paralysis or death, we believe this side effect is one that you cannot ignore if you are considering injections. Yes, sometimes the benefits outweigh the risks. That will be decided by you and your doctor. Be wary of any medical professional who lowers the possibility of botulism poisoning. Doctors and scientists are still not 100% sure how it happens. A scarier thought is that scientists are considering genetically modifying the bacteria in hopes of reducing poisoning, but the process raises red flags. 3. Flu-like symptoms Fever, chills, body aches, and more can occur. Symptoms can occur within hours to days after the initial injection. Flu-like symptoms can last 3 to 5 days, depending on the individual. Some cases are persistent Symptoms of the flu include: · Fever · Shaking chills · Body pain · Respiratory tract infection · Headache · Cough · Sore throat There are no risk factors outside of the injection, according to the study data. However, 55% of botox patients report flu-like symptoms to varying degrees. 4. Heart palpitations, high blood pressure The connection remains unclear between the heart and neurotoxin injection therapy. However, many studies show patients reporting these symptoms. More alarming is a simple web search combining the heart and neurotoxin that will lead you to real people who had the adverse effects days after receiving the injections, but their doctor ignored their concerns and side effects. Using this therapy could be concerning if you already have heart-related conditions. No study data shows side effects in people with cardiovascular disease or metabolic syndromes, such as type 2 diabetes. We would also include mental illnesses, such as anxiety, which can have a strong effect on your heart. 5. Resistance to neurotoxin A doctor will start with the lowest dose possible. After repeated sessions, you can develop stamina. This will lead your doctor to increase the amount of neurotoxin, which increases the possibility of other side effects. This includes botulism poisoning. Resistance can occur at any time, and each person will respond differently. Natural alternatives to treat wrinkles and pain · Facial exercises · Cupping therapy · Acupuncture · Vitamins and minerals · Essential oils · Embrace your wrinkles and fine lines Natural remedies and therapies are not without health risks. However, they are generally less severe or manageable. If you haven't tried natural medicine to treat your condition, talk to a trained professional or naturopath. They can help you discover more options for treating your condition. Final notes Botox could promise great results for many medical conditions, but it is priced with higher-than-normal risks compared to natural remedies and other conventional medications. If your concerns are purely cosmetic, the side effects may not outweigh the benefits. Our goal today was not to ignore the usefulness of neurotoxin injection therapy, but to highlight side effects that your doctor might not mention or ignore. If you've exhausted all avenues and are willing to bet on side effects, botox can be effective for medical and cosmetic use. But there will be rare cases where the benefits outweigh the risks, but you need to know those risks before the injection occurs CBD oil has been studied for its potential role in easing symptoms of many common health issues, including anxiety, depression, acne and heart disease. For those with cancer, it may even provide a natural alternative for pain and symptom relief. Alpha Extracts Pure Hemp Oil
Arvin juliana
Nov 10, 2021
In Pilgrimage
It is nothing new to mention that beauty can extend beyond age when good care is taken, both of the outside and the inside of the body, so some beauty secrets can be essential to start looking better. Did you always wonder about the secret behind shiny locks or the cure for dark circles? We've rounded up some of the most popular treatments and remedies that can last your beauty. 1. Turmeric Turmeric possesses anti-inflammatory and antibiotic properties and can also be used to brighten and brighten the skin. For a brightening face mask, mix turmeric with flour, honey, and milk to create a paste. Add yogurt to fight acne. Apply the paste on your face and leave it on for 15-20 minutes. Later you should wash your face with warm water. You can also prepare a home remedy, known as Golden Milk (or Haldi doodh) is the best natural antibiotic and stimulating immunity. Use it for headaches, sore throats, colds, and coughs. Mix one cup of milk with ¾ teaspoon of turmeric, 1 teaspoon of honey, and ¼ teaspoon of black pepper. Bring the ingredients to a boil on a stove and simmer for a bit before enjoying it as a hot drink. 2. Neem Known for its miraculous skin-healing properties, neem is the key to treating acne, removing toxins from the body, and controlling dandruff. For acne, boil the leaves until they turn green. Chill, strain and store in a bottle to use as a daily facial toner. For hair loss, dry scalp and dandruff you can boil the leaves in a mixture of honey and water. Let cool, strain and apply to the scalp before shampooing. 3. Honey and lemon The natural whitening effects of honey and lemon make this mask one of the best ways to achieve clearer, more luminous skin, or to remove an unwanted tan. Mix two tablespoons of fresh lemon juice with one tablespoon of honey and massage your face for a few minutes. Leave it on until it dries and then rinse it off with warm water. For best results, repeat the process daily. 4. Amla, almond and coconut oil While coconut oil conditions hair, leaving it thicker and smoother, as well as stimulating growth, almond oil contains omega-3s, protein, and vitamin E to combat dandruff and treat dry scalp. Amla oil fights hair loss, stimulates growth and prevents premature graying. Apply one or all of the oils to your hair, massaging it into the scalp. Leave on overnight and wash in the morning. 5. Henna Swap your brand name chemical hair dye for this ingredient for a natural, healthier alternative. Henna can be used on all hair types or texture, is safe, and contains no chemicals. Henna hair dye reduces hair loss, treats split ends, and maintains hair's natural moisture and shine. It's an all-in-one hair color and treatment! 6. Multani Mitti Multani mitti (or Fuller's Earth) has a range of incredible skin care benefits including fighting acne, removing blemishes and dark circles, and reducing inflammation. For acne and pigmentation, mix it with rose water to create a paste and apply to your face. Let it dry before washing it. To get rid of dark circles, mix multani mitti with half a grated potato, lemon juice and a teaspoon of fresh cream. Apply the paste to the area under the eyes and leave for 20 minutes. 7. Tulsi Tulsi leaves can be used to whiten teeth or as a nourishing acne treatment. Blend the leaves with milk to create a paste and apply it to your face to treat acne. Alternatively, dry the leaves and sprinkle, adding orange peel to form a paste. This paste can be applied to teeth to whiten and remove stains. 8. Kojic acid Kojic acid is made from Japanese sake or rice wine, and over the centuries it has proven to be an excellent skin whitening agent. By inhibiting the production of melanin in the skin, over time you will begin to see a clearer complexion with this lightening active ingredient. You can buy the powder in its natural form or use products like soaps and creams that contain kojic acid to help lighten the skin. 9. Coconut oil The coconut oil has a variety of benefits for the skin and hair. Use as a moisturizer for dry skin or apply to a cotton ball to remove makeup. The oil not only removes makeup but also nourishes the eyebrow and eyelash follicles, stimulating growth and thickness. Its antibacterial properties make it an excellent anti-blemish remedy, and when applied to the face, it penetrates deep into the skin to hydrate, nourish and stimulate collagen. Lastly, coconut oil is primarily used as a hair mask, where it turns dry, lifeless hair into shiny, voluminous locks. There was a time when protein shakes would have 50 to 100 grams of protein per shake. It wasn’t until this study came out that it was determined that per meal we can only ingest 20g to 30g of protein every 3 to 4 hours. Every person varies on timing and needs. Instead of having 2 chicken breast per meal (which has approximately 62 grams of protein), have 1 chicken breast per meal (31 grams). Exipure
Arvin juliana
Nov 09, 2021
In Pilgrimage
New research has discovered what people who weigh less do every night The overweight and insomnia are closely related. They tend to be, in fact, the whiting that bites its tail: the less and the worse we sleep, the more tired we are and the more we eat. In Spain, half of us have excess fat (36.6% of Spaniards are overweight and 13.7% are obese, according to the INE), and 35% have sleep problems (according to data from the Spanish Society of Neurology). Therefore, if you are reading this, it is more than likely that you have sleep and weight problems. If so, don't worry, we can kill two birds with one stone with a 15-minute daily trick. Doing this at night (for 15 minutes) is the key to losing weight Research published in JAMA Internal Medicine in mid-September analyzed the sleep of more than 120,000 people over two years. Thus, he discovered that the average night's sleep lasted around 6 hours and 47 minutes. In addition, it found that "shorter sleep duration and greater sleep variability were associated with a higher BMI." That is, those who slept less and worse weighed more than those who did not. In this regard, the study found that people with a BMI of 30 or more (obese) had a slightly shorter average sleep duration and more variable sleep patterns. In fact, these people only slept about 15 minutes less than those with the same conditions and who had a lower weight. The research authors say "these findings further support the belief that sleep patterns are associated with weight control and overall health." Sleeping more at night helps us lose weight There's yet another reason why sleeping just 15 minutes less a night can have negative effects on our weight loss. The fact of being awake, simply, could mean that we end up biting, reining and, therefore, consuming more calories. In addition, poor sleep is also related to an increase in the hormone ghrelin and a decrease in the hormone leptin, which causes us to be hungrier. And we all know that it is difficult to run away from cravings when we are tired or listless. Sleeping early and having dinner early is the key If we get up early and want to sleep more, we will have to go to bed early and, therefore, also have dinner earlier. In addition, if we advance the last meal of the day we can also enhance our weight loss. In fact, his thing would be that we reduce 75% of our calorie consumption before 2:00 p.m., and that dinner is usually done around 7:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. It is also important that dinner is composed of foods rich in protein with tryptophan, since it is converted into melatonin when it is processed by the body, which will help you fall asleep. This amino acid is contained in white meat, fish, and eggs. The prostate is a part of the male reproductive system, which includes the penis, prostate, seminal vesicles, and testicles. The prostate is located just below the bladder and in front of the rectum. It is about the size of a walnut and surrounds the urethra (the tube that empties urine from the bladder). It produces fluid that makes up a part of semen. VitaPost Prostate Plus
Arvin juliana
Nov 06, 2021
In Pilgrimage
Many of those who already suffer from fibromyalgia pain also suffer from myofascial pain syndrome. Syndrome myofascial pain is another form of chronic pain that can affect the entire body, including the face and jaw. Myofascial pain can add to the already bothersome symptoms of fibromyalgia, and can contribute to disability and poor quality of life if not diagnosed correctly. If you think you may be suffering from myofascial dysfunction, consult with your healthcare provider to discuss your treatment options. What is Myofascial Pain Syndrome Myofascial syndrome is a pain disorder that affects muscles and fascia throughout the body. The fascia is like a network that surrounds the bones, tissues, organs, and blood vessels throughout the body. Myofascial pain syndrome can attack and cause degeneration of certain areas of the fascia, resulting in chronic pain and a variety of other symptoms. The pain usually originates in specific areas of the body, called myofascial trigger points, which feel like tiny nodules under the skin. These trigger points commonly develop throughout the body, usually where the fascia comes into contact with a muscle. Myofascial pain syndrome is a very common disease, and most people will develop at least one trigger point in their body at some point in their lives. Most of these people will not develop severe symptoms and will be able to continue with their normal routines. However, about 14% of the population will develop a chronic form of the syndrome, resulting in persistent pain and discomfort. Myofascial pain disorder is very common in fibromyalgia patients. Myofascial pain syndrome was thought to actually be a kind of fibromyalgia. However, this is now known to be not the case. It is possible to have fibromyalgia and chronic myofascial syndrome, and therefore it is important to be diligent in analyzing your symptoms. If you notice symptoms of myofascial syndrome, write them down and report them to your doctor. Signs and Symptoms of Myofascial Pain Syndrome The most common sign of myofascial pain is the presence of palpable trigger points in the muscles. Trigger points are areas of extreme sensitivity, and they usually form in bands of muscle under the skin. They are similar to tender points caused by fibromyalgia, only that trigger points can be felt under the skin. When touched, the trigger points will cause pain and spasms in the muscles. Often the pain is felt in an area other than the trigger point that is actually affected, this is called referred pain. Myofascial pain is usually a dull ache, but it can also produce a throbbing, stabbing, or burning sensation. The pain is often localized in the jaw area, although any part of the body can be affected. One-third of those with myofascial pain report localized pain, while two-thirds report pain all over their body. Myofascial pain can also produce a variety of other symptoms, many of which may seem unrelated. These include: · Numbness in the extremities · Popping of the joints · Limited movement of the joints, particularly the jaw · Muscle weakness (manifested in dropping things) · Migraine or headache · Disturbed dream · Balance problems · Tinnitus and earache · Double vision or blurred vision · Memory problems · Unexplained nausea, dizziness, and sweating Aggravating factors Symptoms are usually aggravated by specific factors. Stress and anxiety contribute to muscle tension and can irritate trigger points. Changes in the weather, including sudden coldness, high humidity, or extreme dryness can also exacerbate symptoms. Physical activity can also trigger symptoms. Causes of myofascial pain syndrome There are numerous causes of myofascial pain Muscle and skeletal problems The causes of myofascial pain dysfunction syndrome can be numerous and depend on the individual. Generally, myofascial pain is caused by some type of trauma to the muscles and skeleton in the body. Overworking the muscles can cause damage to certain areas leading to the development of a trigger point. Poor posture can also trigger myofascial pain in certain individuals. Skeletal abnormalities, such as having different sized feet, fingers, or legs, can also contribute to the development of myofascial pain. Frequent exposure to cold weather can also increase the risk of developing chronic myofascial pain syndrome. Chronic Fibromyalgia Pain People with fibromyalgia can have myofascial pain syndrome as a result of their fibromyalgia pain. Compensating for pain can often cause reduced movement or unhealthy posture, leading to the formation of trigger points. The severe pain caused by fibromyalgia also causes muscle contractions around soft spots. Eventually, these muscle contractions cause trigger points to form, in addition to the soft spots of fibromyalgia. Depression associated with fibromyalgia Depression associated with fibromyalgia can also cause myofascial pain to develop. At least 30% of fibromyalgia patients suffer from depression, which causes low levels of serotonin in the brain. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter responsible for regulating mood and pain in the body. Depression can interfere with the process of regulating pain, causing SDM. Effects of SDM on fibromyalgia Having both myofascial pain syndrome and fibromyalgia can be quite upsetting at times. The symptoms of myofascial pain, and fibromyalgia, are very similar, making it difficult for medical professionals to correctly diagnose many people. Without a proper diagnosis, a patient may not receive proper treatment making the symptoms even worse. Additionally, myofascial pain can often contribute to fibromyalgia pain, making life much more difficult to enjoy. Overmedication in traditional medicine Antidepressants and / or anti-anxiety medications are two of the most common medications prescribed for chronic pain, in the US alone with more than 250,000,000 prescriptions written each year, and growing. Therefore, it is not surprising that they are also part of the treatment protocol for myofascial pain syndrome and others. One drug that is gaining popularity in recent days in the treatment of chronic pain syndromes is methadone. Methadone has been reported to be up to 20 times stronger than Vicodin or Percocet, which also makes methadone a much more dangerous drug. Tizanidine (carrflex), is another commonly prescribed medication for nerve pain. One of its most dangerous side effects is liver toxicity, along with potential drug interactions. The most common advice doctors offer to these patients is simply to learn to live with their respective syndromes along with pain management (medications). And many doctors who don't offer much hope for pain relief often even advise against holistic options like chiropractic, acupuncture, nutritional treatments, and others that don't bring any side effects. Nutritional deficiencies related to myofascial pain Pain syndromes such as: · Fibromyalgia · Myofascial pain syndrome (chronic myofascial pain) · Chronic Fatigue Syndrome · Restless leg syndrome All have studies linking these conditions to nutritional deficiencies. And there are three nutrients that stand out for being deficient in people with chronic pain: they are magnesium, vitamin D, and vitamin B12. Natural treatments to relieve myofascial pain While contemporary medicine suggests special medications for myofascial pain, there is a wide range of home remedies and natural treatment options that one can benefit from. Remember that first of all it is to look for alternatives to stay stress-free and keep your mind occupied in another place that is not the pain that is what reaffirms you that you suffer from it and an endless feedback loop is made. - Vitamin D deficiency or hypothyroidism are often linked to this condition, therefore, treating these deficiencies is an important part of the treatment regimen. Get adequate exposure to the morning sun, to help the body synthesize its own vitamin D. Vitamin D supplements can also be beneficial in managing the condition. Make sure your diet is rich in iodine. - Physiotherapy that includes from a simple stretching, muscle strengthening and postural exercises, can be very beneficial. - Massaging the body with aromatherapy essential oils such as cloves and lavender are considered very useful. Massage helps calm cramps and spasms and loosen tight muscles. - Homeopathy has a profound benefit in the management of myofascial pain. The homeopathic drugs namely Rhuta and Rhus Tox are very effective when taken in low doses and repeated several times a day. - Look for therapies that keep you happy, in a good mood and producing hormones of happiness such as oxytocin and endorphins. Seek to set aside an hour a day by practicing walks, dancing, singing, doing creative therapy too that will keep you busy and doing what you love to do every day. Don't forget that the mind is where most of the things that your body reflects happens. - Acupuncture is an alternative method of treatment for myofascial pain helping to relieve symptoms naturally. It can also provide some relief from the negative side effects of medications already used by the patient. - Magnesium is a mineral that our body needs to carry out more than 300 biochemical reactions. It is the support that makes our muscles and nerves work normally, in addition, it helps to maintain a constant heart rate, keeps our bone structure strong and the immune system as well. Take a tablespoon of liquid magnesium in the morning and at night before going to bed. - Make sure you take an adequate dose of vitamin D as this vitamin is essential to keep teeth and bones in optimal condition because it contributes to the absorption of calcium and phosphorus, which are key minerals for bone health. A deficiency of vitamin D could cause osteoporosis and a malfunction of the nervous and muscular system, therefore. - Use iodized salt and increase the intake of shellfish such as shrimp, fish, seaweed, etc. - Make sure your diet is rich in fresh fruits, fresh vegetables, Omega 3 essential fats. Avoid processed and refined foods. Reduce alcohol intake, as it can lead to myofascial pain. The fear that your penis looks too small or is too small to satisfy your partner during sex is common. But studies have shown that most men who think their penises are too small actually have normal-sized penises. Similarly, studies suggest that many men have an exaggerated idea of what constitutes "normal" penis size. The length of a non-erect penis doesn't consistently predict length when the penis is erect. If your penis is about 13 cm (5 inches) or longer when erect, it's of normal size. New Flow XL Male Enhancement
Arvin juliana
Nov 06, 2021
In Pilgrimage
Do you stay up late often? Know the reasons why you should stop that habit that can be very harmful to health. Today many people tend to stay up late, either by choice or because the activities of the day force them to do so, however, what many are unaware of are the consequences that this can generate in their body beyond the fact of being sleepy during the rest of the day. There are certain physical and mental irregularities that the next day usually take their toll on us, it is popularly known as "raw" or "hangover", but this can cause a harmful response in our body. Harmful Effects of Frequent Staying Up Sleeping is as important an activity for humans as eating, because just as the body needs food to function, it also needs to rest. So, if you have a habit of bad sleeping and staying up late several times a week, here we will give you some reasons to change that habit completely. Increased appetite Not sleeping correctly, usually increases the desire to eat, as the body will find a way to obtain energy in some way. It is very common that the day after a bad night your anxious states gradually increase, which will generate that you end up eating everything and every moment, more than all "junk" or "junk" food that does not provide you any benefit. Increased risk of accidents More and more traffic accidents are generated by people who fell asleep at the wheel, driving is not an easy task and requires the individual to keep all their senses active, if the person does not rest it is very likely that they will begin to fade and at the least expected moment he fell asleep. So if you had a bad night, it is best not to drive and try to get some rest. Increased irritability It is proven that when an individual does not rest enough, their emotions increase by up to 60% , since not sleeping causes these regions to be activated more than normal and the person reacts uncontrollably to various situations. Therefore, it is common to notice that if we have stayed up late or have a bad night, the next day we are irritated and more inclined to react negatively to everyday situations. Greater difficulty learning and concentrating Sleep plays a fundamental role in thinking and learning. Lack of sleep impairs these cognitive processes in many ways. First, it impairs attention, concentration, reasoning and the ability to solve problems is diminished. This makes it more difficult to learn efficiently. Second, during the night, various sleep cycles play a role in the "consolidation" of memories in the mind. If you don't get enough sleep, you can have a hard time remembering what you've learned and experienced during the day. Prone to depression Lack of sleep and long-term sleep disorders can contribute to symptoms of depression. In survey, people who were diagnosed with depression or anxiety were more likely to sleep less than six hours at night. The most common sleep disorder, insomnia, has the strongest link to depression. In a study of about 10,000 people, it showed that those with insomnia were five times more likely to develop depression than those who slept adequately. In fact, insomnia is often one of the first symptoms of depression. Insomnia and depression feed off each other. Loss of sleep often aggravates the symptoms of depression, and depression can make it harder to fall asleep. On the positive side, treating sleep problems can help depression and its symptoms, and vice versa. Lack of sleep ages your skin Most people have experienced dry skin and puffy eyes after just a few nights without getting enough sleep. But it turns out that chronic sleep loss can lead to dull skin, fine lines, and dark circles under the eyes. When you don't get enough sleep, your body releases more cortisol from stress. In excessive amounts, cortisol can break down skin collagen, the protein that keeps skin smooth and elastic. Loss of sleep also causes the body to play an irregular role in releasing growth hormone. When we are young, growth hormone promotes our development, as its name suggests. As we age, it helps build muscle mass, thicken skin, and strengthen bones. This hormone is released during the hours of deep sleep, if we are not able to get enough rest, we will be limiting not only our development, but the body's ability to regenerate itself. If you’ve decided to try CBD, you know there are tons of products on the market to choose from. You can go the tincture route, which is administered under the tongue, you can try capsules or even edibles like gummies to make dosing feel like a tasty treat, or you can try a topical solution like a CBD cream to not only enjoy the pain-relieving benefits of CBD, but to also help nourish and soothe tired, dry skin. When you’re experiencing joint stiffness and muscle pain, a topical solution can be the most comforting option to try. Green CBD Gummies
Arvin juliana
Nov 05, 2021
In Pilgrimage
In the diagnostic interview, the doctor will first ask what conditions have occurred and what has been eaten and drunk prior to the event itself. For symptoms that remain or are permanent, it may also be helpful to record this for a few days or weeks in a diary with information about food eaten and subsequent symptoms. As with other allergies, a skin test and a blood test can provide information to detect food allergies. In the blood test, it is checked if the body has formed certain antibodies (usually IgE antibodies) to a food. When a skin test solution is mixed with protein from food, the slightly scarified skin is observed to see if it becomes red or hives or itches. Also, an elimination diet can help with the diagnosis. Suspect foods are exempted for one to four weeks and recorded in a nutrition diary as symptoms develop. To detect a food allergy, a provocation test is usually needed, in which suspect foods are consumed under medical supervision. It's about triggering symptoms on purpose. Depending on the suspected severity of the allergic reaction, the test is performed in the clinic under emergency conditions. The allergy tests are repeated regularly in children and adolescents to see if they can tolerate the food again. The time depends on the type of trigger: milk allergy, for example, is tested in shorter intervals than in cases of allergy to nuts or peanuts, since the allergy to milk often returns after a few years. In infants and young children, only blood is tested and skin tests are skipped. What tests are inadequate for diagnosis? The determination of other antibodies in the blood (called IgG / IgG4 antibodies) is offered in some practices as a private performance. However, this study is not currently recommended because it may backfire. Above all, non-health professionals offer "alternative" allergy tests. These tests include, for example, bioresonance, hair analysis, iris diagnosis or the ALCAT test, a blood test to detect inflammatory reactions. However, such methods are not suitable for detecting an allergy. How are food allergies treated? The most important treatment is to give up allergy trigger foods. How this works depends on the food. A nutritional consultation or training program can help: There the patient will learn how to avoid allergy triggers and replace them if necessary. You learn to recognize the corresponding foods when shopping, during preparation or when visiting restaurants. Also, dealing with anaphylactic reactions is a problem. Until now, medicines have played a minor role in treatment. However, the few studies suggest that so-called H1 antihistamines can alleviate acute skin problems. A desensitization (immunotherapy), as is possible with other allergies, is not yet available for food allergies. There are several studies that have verified the effectiveness of hyposensitization in various food allergies. However, to what extent it works in the long term has not yet been sufficiently clarified. Prebiotics and probiotics are sometimes claimed to be effective in treating food allergies. Despite some studies, however, there is no evidence so far. To treat an anaphylactic reaction immediately, it is important to go to a medical center as quickly as possible, especially if you have severe symptoms such as shortness of breath. It is not advisable to self-medicate with epinephrine or antihistamines, as the consequences can be serious without the supervision of a health professional. What foods should I replace? Some foods such as nuts, fish or meat can generally be dispensed with without health disadvantages. Others have to be replaced in certain cases, otherwise important nutrients such as protein or calcium are lost. Especially with children, it should be checked regularly whether the exemption of certain foods is still necessary. For babies, cow's milk can be replaced by a special low-allergen food, a so-called hydrolyzed food. Soy milk is not recommended for children under one year of age because some babies do not tolerate it well. How can I tell if a food contains allergy triggers? There is a legal labeling requirement for the most important food components that can trigger allergies. It currently contains 14 substances and products: · gluten-containing cereals such as wheat, rye, barley or oats, · crustaceans, · eggs, · fishes, · peanuts, · soy, · milk, · nuts such as almonds, hazelnuts and walnuts, · celery, · mustard, · sesame seeds, · sulfites, · lupins, · shellfish and mollusks (such as mussels, oysters, or squid). More information on food labeling can be found in a brochure of the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture for food labeling. It’s natural for anyone trying to lose weight to want to lose it very quickly. But people who lose weight gradually and steadily (about 1 to 2 pounds per week) are more successful at keeping weight off. Healthy weight loss isn’t just about a “diet” or “program”. It’s about an ongoing lifestyle that includes long-term changes in daily eating and exercise habits. Keto-X3 supplement
Arvin juliana
Nov 05, 2021
In Pilgrimage
The pulmonary edema or pulmonary edema is a condition caused by the accumulation of fluid in the alveolar space in the lungs. The accumulation of water in the lungs is due to a disease that alters the pressures within the lung and generates the presence of fluid where it was not previously, producing severe respiratory symptoms such as respiratory distress and a feeling of suffocation. When water builds up quickly it is called acute lung edema and is a medical emergency as it must be treated as soon as possible. Symptoms of pulmonary edema In general, most patients with pulmonary edema present symptoms that can arise abruptly (acute lung edema) or progressively (chronic pulmonary edema), these are: · Dyspnoea. · Chest pain · Cough with foamy and sometimes bloody expectoration. · Feeling of suffocation · Palpitation sensation. · Anxiety. · Fatigue. · Gurgling or whistling sounds when breathing. · Violet coloration of the mouth and fingers of the hands. Causes of pulmonary edema Whenever there is an accumulation of water in the lungs, an underlying disease must be ruled out that must be diagnosed promptly, since its development can be fatal. The causes of pulmonary edema are varied, from trauma to pneumonia, heart disease, tumors and altitude sickness, among others. 1. Pulmonary edema of cardiac origin It occurs due to the inability of the left ventricle of the heart to pump enough blood throughout the body, generating congestion within the heart and increasing the pressure in the blood vessels that normally collect blood from the lungs, thus generating congestion at the level lung water accumulating in the lungs. When this happens, it is said that there is congestive heart failure. Some diseases that cause heart failure are: myocardial infarction, endocarditis, diseases of the heart valves, chronic arterial hypertension associated with dilatation of the heart, among others. 2. Non-cardiogenic pulmonary edema It is so important in the context of pulmonary edema to rule out cardiac pathologies that the rest of the causes are considered non-cardiogenic. Among these causes are: 1. Adult respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) It is due to the accumulation of fluid in one or both lungs, abruptly associated with a severe inflammatory reaction secondary to serious infectious processes (such as pneumonia and states of sepsis), trauma and acute bleeding. 2. Lung edema of the heights It generally occurs in individuals who ascend rapidly to heights of 12,000 to 13,000 feet in elevation (3600 to 3900m), due to the sudden increase in pressure in the pulmonary capillaries. They represent a major cause of death in skiers and mountaineers. 3. Neurogenic edema It occurs immediately after the release of neurotransmitters that increase blood flow to the lungs. This occurs due to the release of vasodilator substances, after head injuries, neurosurgery, seizures and brain hemorrhages. 4. Pulmonary edema due to re-expansion It is generally unilateral, occurs after the rapid re-expansion of a previously collapsed lung (due to other causes such as the presence of fluid or air). 5. Overdose of opiates and salicylates Some opiates such as heroin and methadone produce direct toxicity to the lung, generating fluid accumulation. The same can happen with the use of salicylates. 6. Secondary to pulmonary thromboembolism The presence of an embolus in the lung circulation increases pressures and can increase the presence of water in the lungs. 7. Secondary to viral infections Severe pulmonary edema has been described in cases of Hantavirus and Dengue Virus. 8. Hypoalbuminemia (low levels of albumin in the blood) Because albumin is the protein that attracts water and keeps it inside the vessels, a decrease in its levels generates fluid leakage that accumulates in the lungs. Hypoalbuminemia occurs in cancer, severe malnutrition, liver disease, kidney disease, and in elderly patients. Treatment It depends on the cause of the pulmonary edema. However, in all cases, the main treatment used is diuretics such as furosemide, combined with restriction of fluid intake. In the case of edema of cardiac origin, heart failure must be compensated with drugs that improve the ejection fraction with which the left ventricle pumps blood towards the body (digitalis, angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors, and beta-blockers). In the case of non-cardiogenic pulmonary edema, the etiology must be established. In the case of ARDS, the cause that originated it should be treated: in pneumonia antibiotics are indicated, in edema of the heights the descent begins, in hypoalbuminemia the protein intake in the diet is improved and albumin is replaced intravenously. Finally, in some cases where edema persists despite treatment, hemodialysis is required. When it comes to weight loss, protein is the king of nutrients. Your body burns calories when digesting and metabolizing the protein you eat, so a high-protein diet can boost metabolism by up to 80–100 calories per day. A high-protein diet can also make you feel more full and reduce your appetite. In fact, some studies show that people eat over 400 fewer calories per day on a high-protein diet. Even something as simple as eating a high-protein breakfast (like eggs) can have a powerful effect. Keto Forte
Arvin juliana
Oct 28, 2021
In Pilgrimage
A functional medicine approach can help control glycemic indices, and it can also help reduce many health problems related to type 2 diabetes and autoimmune diseases. In particular, dietary change as a first-line treatment has been shown to be successful in reversing diabetes. How to prevent type 2 diabetes from functional medicine? Type 2 diabetes is a disease process that can be treated naturally and even reversed in certain situations. The key is not to think about managing type 2 diabetes, but to help the patient with diabetes or prediabetes to fix the underlying cause or causes, before the condition is irreversible. 1. Improve your intestinal health Recent studies have identified a previously unknown effect of metformin on the gut microbiota: The drug increases levels of Akkermansia muciniphila, a commensal gut bacteria associated with reduced inflammation and better metabolic health. This recently discovered effect of metformin indicates that the gut microbiota plays a critical role in type 2 diabetes. Several prebiotics and probiotics have been investigated for their antidiabetic effects that promote gut health: In animal studies, mannanoligosaccharide, a prebiotic fiber found in mushrooms and konjac root, has been found to increase the blood sugar lowering effects of metformin. Inulin, a prebiotic in chicory, garlic, onion, leek, and asparagus, lowers fasting blood glucose while promoting a more metabolically healthy gut microbiota. Some probiotic strains also demonstrate antidiabetic effects. The supplementation of lactobacilli and bifidobacteria improves biomarkers of inflammation and oxidative stress in type 2 diabetics and reduces fasting blood sugar to promoting an anti - inflammatory intestinal microbiota. Anti-inflammatory gut bacteria, in turn, help correct the underlying inflammation in diabetes and improve metabolic function. 2. Do exercises and activities outdoors A sedentary lifestyle is not a good ally for people with a tendency to develop diabetes, and even for anyone, since it promotes health complications. A sedentary lifestyle is a significant risk factor for type 2 diabetes, so exercise should be a central part of any treatment plan for the disease. And you don't have to be an athlete or play extreme sports to get there. Research indicates that walking just 30 minutes a day reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes by about 50 percent. High-intensity interval training (HIIT) also appears beneficial: it reduces fasting blood sugar, hemoglobin A1c, and cardiovascular complications in type 2 diabetes and is more effective than continuous aerobic activity (such as jogging) to improve blood sugar control. In addition to exercising more, reducing sedentary time in daily life is also essential. Activities such as sitting at the desk and taking walks or using a treadmill should be alternated. Breaking the prolonged sitting session and standing or walking has been shown to improve post-meal blood sugar response in those at risk for diabetes. 3. Get enough sleep The dramatic increase in the incidence of type 2 diabetes in recent decades has paralleled a progressive decrease in sleep duration reported by American adults. Is loss of sleep related to diabetes? Research indicates that this is indeed the case: a short duration of sleep, defined as sleeping less than seven to eight hours a night, has become a major risk factor for type 2 diabetes. Loss of sleep can promote type 2 diabetes by interfering with energy metabolism and increasing insulin sensitivity. Loss of sleep also disrupts satiety, causing cravings and excessive consumption of sugary processed foods that increase the risk of diabetes. The obstructive apnea sleep (AOS), a common cause of sleep loss, promotes type 2 diabetes to the hypoxia inducing (when the body does not receive enough oxygen), which in damaging both the production of insulin by the pancreatic beta cells. Strategies that correct OSA, such as use of a continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) machine and weight loss, reduce the severity of OSA and improve blood sugar control. To improve blood sugar control and prevent type 2 diabetes, try to get seven to eight hours of sleep a night. 4. Normalize your circadian rhythm Your circadian rhythm is a set of biochemical processes that occur in the body on a 24-hour schedule and regulate many aspects of your behavior and physiology. Factors that disrupt the human circadian rhythm, such as jet lag, an irregular eating schedule, and exposure to blue light at night, affect the function of circadian rhythm-regulated pancreatic beta cells and increase the risk of type diabetes 2. While much of the research on circadian disruption and diabetes risk has been conducted in animals, the substantially elevated risk of type 2 diabetes seen in night shift workers suggests that circadian disruption also promotes diabetes in humans. 5. Reduce your stress levels The chronic stress is another factor overlooked past but significant risk for type 2 diabetes Hormonal changes that go hand in hand with chronic stress cause imbalances in blood sugar. High perceived stress is associated with insulin resistance and a significantly increased risk of type 2 diabetes in adults. The profound effect of stress on blood sugar is mediated by the HPA axis, the body's stress response system. Chronic activation of the HPA axis causes beta cell dysfunction, inhibiting the effects of insulin and inducing insulin resistance. The research indicates that reducing psychological stress can improve control of blood sugar in type 2 diabetes. Meditation, yoga, and breathing exercises have been found to lower fasting blood glucose and post-meal glucose in diabetics. If you are new to the concept of mindfulness, you could start with an app like Calm or Headspace, which offers guided meditations and breathing exercises that are simple and effective for stress relief. 6. Avoid environmental toxins Environmental toxins have more recently drawn attention for their potential role in the development of type 2 diabetes. Accumulating evidence suggests that BPA, phthalates, and POPs contribute to diabetes, so it makes sense to reduce our exposure to them. BPA is a chemical found in polycarbonate water bottles, dental sealants, the lining of cans, and cash register receipts. Exposure to BPA contributes to diabetes by causing stress on pancreatic beta cells, which disrupts insulin secretion. It also lowers the levels of adiponectin, a protein hormone that regulates glucose levels, reducing insulin sensitivity in fat cells, the skeletal muscle system, and the liver. Importantly, BPS, a chemical alternative to BPA that is commonly used in "BPA-free" products, may not be safer for the body. Phthalates are a common type of plasticizer found in children's toys, vinyl, and personal care products. Phthalates exacerbate type 2 diabetes by disrupting the PI3K / AKT pathway, reducing the number of glucose receptors in the pancreas, and inducing insulin resistance. To reduce your exposure to phthalates, avoid buying plastic products as much as possible and use only natural plant-based shampoo, conditioner, lotion, and other personal care products. Persistent organic pollutants (POPs), a category of environmental toxins that include organochlorine pesticides, PCBs, and fluorinated compounds, reduce insulin secretion from pancreatic beta cells, causing hyperglycemia. The metabolic toxicity of POPs increases when these compounds are combined. To reduce your exposure to POPs, buy organic products and filter your water because conventionally grown produce and tap water are a major source of persistent organic pollutants. The constant implementation of several of these points, together with an attitude of change, can be a fundamental ally in preventing type 2 diabetes and other conditions related to autoimmune diseases. Joint pain is common in people who are overweight, so losing weight could relieve some of the pressure on your joints. Your doctor can help customize an exercise plan that’s right for you, but swimming and cycling are two ways to work out without putting too much stress on your joints. Golden Revive Plus
Arvin juliana
Oct 26, 2021
In Pilgrimage
Accomplishing the goal of losing weight is difficult, even on a diet that seems correct - these are some typical mistakes. With the summer season just around the corner, there are many who initiate a radical change of diet trying to arrive with the least possible weight at the summer time, a few months where less clothes are worn and the body is more exposed. For some, there will be no change between summer and winter in the aesthetic sense, but for others the vain attempt to reduce weight and body volume may be almost obsessive: to "diet", but not lose weight, or lose very little. The reality is that these are terribly repetitive cases, since although year after year scientific studies delve deeper into the question, the reality is that overweight and obesity are still a poorly understood disease. However, today we know a few things in which we continue to err almost automatically and, on many occasions, due to the insistent food and aesthetic marketing that invades us on a daily basis through the media and social networks. Today we will briefly explain why the fallacy "eat less and move more" is nothing more than that, a self-deception, much more complex to achieve than it seems. Losing weight is difficult: some eating mistakes to avoid The hypothesis most defended today in the search for weight loss is that of low-calorie diets: you have to eat fewer calories than you consume. Some health, nutrition and sports professionals do not quite see this hypothesis clearly, and the truth is that they have reasons for it, because it is not so easy: all calories do not affect the body in the same way, and counting calories is a terrible mistake, as suggested by a 2012 study published in the journal JAMA. Consuming a whole orange is not the same as drinking orange juice: a standard orange, of about 150 g, provides a theoretical 70 kcal approximately. However, thanks to the fiber content of the whole orange, and the fact that it is a fruit that needs to go through a digestive process, not all the calories will be absorbed or at least they will not be absorbed as quickly. However, an orange juice of just 200 ml is almost 100 kcal, almost all free sugar, which will be absorbed almost immediately as if it were a soft drink. As we can see, a calorie is not a calorie. We must pay attention to what foods we consume, in what format we do it (better whole fruit than juice) and the way it is cooked (better sautéed with little oil than fried, or better to use the oven or microwave if possible). On the other hand, there are many who make the mistake of eating too little, and specifically avoiding some macronutrients: or fats, or carbohydrates. The reality is that you do have to eat less, but with common sense, always using fresh products, and neither of the two macronutrients has been shown to improve one diet or the other: the effects of a low-fat diet are similar to a low-carbohydrate diet, if both provide the same number of calories. Although some previous work did advocate low-carbohydrate, high-fat diets, like the one published in 2015 in Cell Metabolism, but never a low-fat diet, as The Lancet also concluded in 2015. Likewise, going back to the error of counting calories without taking whole foods into account, food marketing makes us fall again and again into the error of consuming products "without”: without fat, without added sugars, without salt, without gluten ... All those Products that provide a "without" in their packaging are a trap for the most unsuspecting, since a "light" product (low in fat) tends to hide behind its low caloric density an excessive contribution of added sugars, as a published work has already warned in Physiology & Behavior. The calories from sugars are also different from those from fats: they supposedly provide fewer calories per gram (4 kcal per gram of carbohydrates and 9 kcal per gram of fat), but free sugars are absorbed much faster than fats. Again, a calorie is not a calorie. Finally, an error that is rarely said is the misunderstanding of "moderation”: It is often believed that simply eating "healthier" should already lose weight, but it is not so easy. Even if we replace all the processed and ultra-processed products of our daily diet with fresh products and cook them correctly, there is still a danger to continue maintaining the weight: moderation. According to a 2016 study published in Appetitte, the term "restraint" is the great misunderstanding of our time, and hardly anyone understands or explains it the same as anyone else, so we should label it as ambiguous and remove it from our vocabulary. In the case of healthy eating, moderation is also important, since eating one or two avocados a day with the rest of the diet is a very good idea, but if we put 10 of these high-calorie-density fruits into the body every day, it is more than likely that we will not lose weight. Yes, avocado is healthy and nutritionally very interesting, but it is still very calorically dense and its consumption should not be abused (or the consumption of any other fresh food). This would only be one of the many possible examples, although I think it is quite visual considering the current fashion that exists around this fruit. Relying too much on exercise Finally, along with a healthier diet, just at the gates of summer we tend to increase our physical activity in order to burn more calories than before. The truth is that this method, at the health level, is highly recommended. However, if you are looking to lose weight, physical exercise is only a good complement to a good basic diet; If our way of eating is bad or can be improved, exercise can be useless in the goal of weight loss. This is concluded by some studies, such as the one published in PloS One in 2011, and corroborated by another investigation of the same year in Current Opinion in Clinical Nutrition & Metabolic Care. In fact, in some individuals physical exercise can even boost appetite, as a 2012 paper published in Obesity Reviews claimed. Does this mean that we should not exercise if we want to lose weight? On the contrary, in fact, it is best to do both aerobic exercise (running, cycling, swimming ...) and anaerobic exercise or weight lifting exercise (calisthenics, TRX, weights ...). Together, both types of exercise are better than doing one or the other separately, always together with a good basal diet. The error of exercise is to overestimate it, since on average 40-45 min of a weight lifting session can burn about 150 kcal, which can be easily recovered just by falling into the temptation of drinking a sugary soda. Therefore, exercise should be a good supplement, but not the basis of the dietary goal. The conclusion therefore would be: · Make a good basic diet. · Consume fresh food, cooked at home whenever possible. · Avoid toxic substances (tobacco, alcohol and other drugs). · Accompany all this with aerobic and anaerobic exercise. · Ah! And be aware that this goal is not something easy in the short term, but a marathon full of obstacles in the long term. Things that are achieved quickly disappear just as quickly. If everything fails, visit your doctor As a bonus to all these errors, one more concept should be added: unknown and untreated metabolic diseases. On many occasions, despite having a correct diet, an effective level of physical exercise, and all these mistakes and many others being taken into account, you do not lose weight and even gain weight. In this case, it is advisable to go to our medical professional of reference in order to carry out some complementary tests, since some diseases can further hinder weight loss. Among these diseases, the best known is hypothyroidism, a disease of the thyroid gland that "slows down" the metabolism. It doesn't really cause a great difficulty in losing weight, but it can help it to occur more slowly than expected. Likewise, there are other metabolic alterations in which the protagonist is cortisol, better known as the “stress hormone”, whose alteration has also been shown to collaborate as an obstacle in weight loss. These and other parameters should be examined by a professional when all else fails. And, if we suffer from an underlying disease, it is advisable to initially go to a doctor or nutritionist specialized in clinical nutrition in order to carry out a type of diet correctly after a previous check-up, without worsening our basic disease. Though it's often well-tolerated, CBD can cause side effects, such as dry mouth, diarrhea, reduced appetite, drowsiness and fatigue. CBD can also interact with other medications you're taking, such as blood thinners. Another cause for concern is the unreliability of the purity and dosage of CBD in products. CBD Hero
Arvin juliana
Oct 25, 2021
In Pilgrimage
Although the brain is such a complex organ, determining who we are and how to navigate our way through this world, maintaining it, and caring for it does not have to be complicated. Just keep these 10 eating habits to take care of the brain: 1. The brain loves water The largest component of the body is water, so you need to consume enough clean, uncontaminated water to keep your body and brain well hydrated. 2. The brain loves protein Protein is important not only for building muscle, but also for keeping your neurons working effectively. If you don't eat enough good-quality protein, your neurons struggle to communicate with each other, and you could have a hard time concentrating, leading to memory challenges. Proteins must be organic if it is animal protein, and you have to combine cereals with legumes to make complete protein if you are a vegetarian. 3. The brain is the greediest organ in your body Your brain is the most energy-hungry organ in your body. You need a steady and stable supply of good quality carbohydrates. Low sugar vegetables and fruits, good sources of carbohydrates for sustained energy production, while processed and refined carbohydrates provide short-term energy solutions. Choose whole grains and legumes for sustained energy release as well, and your brain will enjoy the optimal energy supply. A wide variety of fresh produce will also supply vitamins and minerals that the brain needs to function optimally. 4. The brain regarding coffee Caffeine provides a quick energy "rush" to the brain by stimulating the release of adrenaline. This makes you feel energetic to begin with, but this soon subsides, leaving you in need of another "fix." Try one of the great herbal teas available, or go for the old-fashioned water with a hint of lemon. Most people don't need another stress kick, and this is exactly what coffee offers. 5. The brain needs carbohydrates Think about what you fancy. If it's chocolate and candy, you're probably experiencing unstable glucose levels from consuming processed carbohydrates, so you need to wean yourself off these insidious addictions. When people are tired from lack of sleep, ongoing stress, and feeling overwhelmed, they usually go for a quick sugary snack to give them a blast of energy. Good green juice, packed with nutrient-rich compounds, can help you achieve more stable blood glucose levels, and drive with fewer cravings. Eating the right fats helps tremendously too, because when the right fats are supplied, your cells produce energy more efficiently. This keeps your energy levels high, leading to fewer energy and chocolate snack slumps. 6. The gut will affect what happens in the brain Contrary to popular belief, you are not what you eat: you are what you absorb. This means that you need to resolve any digestive difficulties that you may be experiencing. Your food must be digested, absorbed, and waste effectively removed, before you can be optimally healthy. Your brain can only receive nutrients that are absorbed, so it makes perfect sense to ensure that your gut is working well. 7. The brain loves fat 60% of your brain is made up of fat, so the type of fat you need to consume has to be of a very high quality. Your brain is especially fond of omega-3 fats, but it also needs omega-6 fats. These essential fats are very delicate and prone to damage, so you need to consume a mixture without damage. 8. If your body doesn't like a meal, your brain will object too If you have a food intolerance, like wheat or dairy, your brain struggles to stay alert and focused. This, of course, affects your memory negatively. Researchers are still working on exactly why food intolerance affects the brain in a negative way, but if you suspect that you may be intolerant to a specific food, leave it out of your diet for a couple of weeks, and see how you feel. Interestingly, the foods that you crave are often the ones that are not in accordance with your body, as they produce a similar addictive response in your body. So, if you think you can't live without it, chances are your body - and brain - can do without it. 9. Food additives don't add to better brain function Check the labels of the foods you eat. If you eat a lot of fresh produce there are no labels, but there are additives in canned and processed foods that may be causing harm to your body and brain. Many additives are simply present in the product so that the product does not expire, thus avoiding loss of revenue for the manufacturer. Also, some additives are actively dangerous, such as MSG, which is an excitotoxin, causing damage to neurons, and eventually loss, when consumed in excess. 10. Eat a good breakfast to keep your brain happy throughout the day Eating breakfast will not only determine your weight, but it also determines how your brain will function during the day. When people miss breakfast, they are preparing to gain weight, as they tend to eat more during the day. Also, orientation, memory, and mood are negatively influenced by lack of breakfast. If you are not hungry when you wake up, consider taking your breakfast with you. Since it's best to eat only after you've been awake for about an hour, you can make your way to make your breakfast, and eat when you get to your destination. It sure beats a cup of coffee and a muffin on your desk. Otherwise, you can go to bed early, wake up in time to exercise, and then eat your breakfast. These tips may take some time to implement, but even changing just one to begin with is a step in the right direction. “Ketogenic” is a term for a low-carb diet (like the Atkins diet). The idea is for you to get more calories from protein and fat and less from carbohydrates. You cut back most on the carbs that are easy to digest, like sugar, soda, pastries, and white bread. Keto Strong
Arvin juliana
Oct 13, 2021
In Pilgrimage
From a biological point of view, nutrition serves to maintain life. The supply of nutrients in solid and liquid form allows the body to grow and function. The main nutrients are protein, fat, and carbohydrates, which provide calories when processed. Food also contains water, mineral salts, vitamins. The diet of healthy people must be balanced and must not exceed or fall below a certain daily calorie requirement of an average of 2000-2400 kilocalories (kcal). According to scientific opinion, the body forms the basis of every behavior. Behavior is also decisively influenced by diet and changes in behavior may depend on it. Proper nutrition favors adapted or normal behavior. On the other hand, insufficient or excessive nutrition promotes inappropriate or abnormal behavior. According to the psychoanalytic view, eating disorders arise from emotional conflicts that originate in the early interaction between the child and the caregiver. Food and eating not only serve to fill you up, but can also represent affection, comfort, power, and sexuality. Eating food can become a constant substitute for frustration and stress. Eating uncontrollably or refusing food can signify anger, rejection, and protest. Denial of food is used as an attack or defense against a hostile environment. Moods, affection and stress strongly influence food intake. A good breakfast allows performance in the morning The first breakfast should be a main meal. The second breakfast should be rich in vitamins and minerals. Without a breakfast there will be stress! The body needs energy and releases stress hormones if you skip breakfast. You should have breakfast no later than two hours after waking up. Make sure your breakfast contains protein (cheese, ham, egg, yogurt, salmon), that it does not consist only of bread and add some vegetables. Caffeine, nicotine and alcohol should be put aside: they release more insulin in the body which causes it to store more sugar that is produced under stress. Also, having a lot of insulin in your blood prevents fat loss. Most people don't give breakfast much thought. Many generally take about 20-30 minutes for a meal, but only 5-10 minutes for breakfast. Due to time constraints, some people only eat a small amount of food for breakfast, but at least make sure they are healthy. There are many who only drink coffee for breakfast. Surprisingly, women in particular eat out of frustration, stress, or boredom. Tips to have a good breakfast Having obligatory breakfast can be tedious at first. But its positive effects will convince even the most stubborn. To get your circulation going in the morning, you should drink at least a glass of water (not too cold) or tea as the body loses fluid at night. Quick breakfast for home: · A bag of unsalted nuts and raisins, you can also keep them in a bag and eat them while you are transporting. · You can also quickly cut some fresh fruit with some nuts or oatmeal cookies with cottage cheese sauce, or peanut butter. Breakfast for office or school: · Vegetable sticks (for example, carrots, celery, radishes, cucumber ...) with cottage cheese. · Fruits (1 full fist) with a few nuts to increase concentration. · Yogurt with grains (sunflower seeds, sesame, flaxseed) and fruits. Consultation with a nutritionist and a family doctor will be necessary to achieve, together, improve our quality of behaviors and thoughts in combination with healthy habits. If you have type 2 diabetes and your blood sugar levels are racing up and down like a roller coaster, it's time to get off the ride. Big swings in your blood sugar can make you feel lousy. But even if you aren't aware of them, they can still increase your risk for a number of serious health problems. By making simple but specific adjustments to your lifestyle and diet, you can gain better blood-sugar control. GlucoBurn
Arvin juliana
Oct 13, 2021
In Pilgrimage
Experiencing anxiety is more than feeling butterflies in your stomach. Anxiety can have a direct impact on your overall health, from causing digestion complications to worsening symptoms of chronic diseases. You're not alone. Stress and common nutrient deficiencies could be contributing to this problem. Today we present you a magnificent remedy as a solution and it consists of a homemade recipe for magnesium gummies for anxiety and this series of problems that, as a supplement, are exceptional. Magnesium: The Great Stress Destroyer The recommended daily intake of magnesium for adults is between 320 and 420 mg. Whole grains used to be an important dietary source of magnesium, but the switch to refined flours in baked goods has largely contributed to a magnesium deficiency across the country. Since your body stores magnesium primarily in your bones (and some cells), a blood sample is not a reliable way to assess whether your magnesium levels are healthy. Instead, healthcare professionals rely on diagnosing a magnesium deficiency through the elimination process and considering your symptoms. Symptoms of deficiency include: · Muscle cramps · Osteoporosis · Fatigue · Muscular weakness · Hypertension · Asthma · Arrhythmia · Depression · Anxiety A 2017 scientific review found that there is much evidence that magnesium may be beneficial against anxiety. About half of the studies that were examined pointed to magnesium as a useful treatment for general anxiety, PMS, and even hypertension. The only anxiety-related condition that did not appear to have been counteracted by magnesium was postpartum anxiety. Other benefits of magnesium Magnesium is essential for the normal function of hundreds of enzymes in your body, and it is involved in multiple processes such as metabolism, nerve health, and maintenance of tissues and muscles. Therefore, reversing a magnesium deficiency through dietary habits or supplements has many benefits. In addition to helping calm anxiety, magnesium can: · Promote bone health · Help prevent kidney stones · Reduce the risk of diabetes · Help prevent clogged arteries · Help lower blood pressure · Prevent migraines · Relieve symptoms of PMS · Improve sleep quality Recipe for magnesium gummies for anxiety and insomnia Try this simple home remedy to make a convenient way to supplement your magnesium intake and help ease anxiety symptoms. Ingredients: · 5 tablespoons magnesium citrate · 3 tablespoons of organic gelatin powder · 1 cup lemon juice, freshly squeezed · 1 tablespoon raw honey or organic maple syrup · a pinch of salt Instructions: 1. Slowly add the magnesium citrate to the lemon juice in a small bowl, stirring constantly. 2. Once mixed, pour into a pot and add the gelatin. 3. Heat over medium heat until gelatin dissolves. 4. Mix salt and honey. Continue heating until mixture is reduced to about 3/4 cup. 5. Pour the mixture into small baking sheets (silicone works best) and refrigerate for at least 30 minutes. Store in an airtight container in the refrigerator and enjoy up to 5 gummies per day. Depending on the size of the baking pan, this recipe should make about 35 gummies, each with around 70 mg of elemental magnesium. Potential side effects As with any natural remedy, there can be potential side effects. Ingesting large amounts of supplemental magnesium can have a laxative effect in most people. Make sure you don't have more than 5 gummies in a day. It is recommended to start with 1 to 2 per day and progress to 5. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare provider with any questions regarding your current medical condition and / or medication. Walk on a treadmill for 60 minutes- Your aim should be to walk on the treadmill at a moderate speed for at least an hour. This will burn about 1000 calories every day and speed up your weight loss process. You can burn 1000 calories easily within this one hour. Keto Slim
Arvin juliana
Oct 12, 2021
In Pilgrimage
If your hair is going through a rough patch, or is not growing as fast as you'd like, don't despair. The answer may be within your reach. Both regular body and scalp massage can contribute to healthy, shiny and faster hair growth. For centuries, indigenous women have massaged hair with oils to encourage long, shiny locks. Like skin, hair goes through phases. Weather conditions, hair products, hormones, and your overall health can have a significant impact on its texture, appearance, and growth. Benefits of massage for hair Massaging any part of the body increases blood flow, and can help with fatigue, stress, and headaches. This is especially true for scalp massages, as not only the skin and scalp benefit, but the hair and hair follicles as well. Increased blood flow can stimulate the follicles in such a way that hair grows faster, which is a great benefit for those who want to increase their hair length. Hair oils It is important to note that only oils made specifically for hair should be used to massage the scalp. Here are the essential oils that help nourish the scalp: · The peppermint oil helps improve circulation and acts as a natural cleanser. · Tea tree oil helps soothe itchy dry scalp and cleanses it of tiny dermatitis problems. · Chamomile oil, relieves itchy inflamed scalp. · Lemon oil helps remove dandruff. · The castor oil and almond oil, help promote hair growth. Massage with hair oils After choosing your oils, do the massage. Follow this simple guide: 1. Find a quiet place, make yourself comfortable, and get ready to enjoy rubbing your scalp. 2. Massage by moving your fingertips in a circular motion. 3. Massage oil into the scalp using fingers soaked in the same oil. Working from roots to ends, massaging all the oil into the hair. 4. With your fingers, locate the dimples on your skull, just behind the top of your ears. Apply pressure to the dimples for a few seconds, then release. Repeat the previous step a few times. Due to the deep state of relaxation it induces, it is also a good idea not to schedule any important work immediately after the massage. Mistakes when massaging hair The most common mistake is superficial rubbing; in fact, the massage must be deep and slow, and it must physically move the scalp in order to stimulate blood flow. After you've massaged your scalp, you can wash your hair immediately or leave the essential oils in for a couple of hours to penetrate and do their job. You can leave the oil on overnight, then wash your hair in the morning - just put a towel in your pillowcase so you don't ruin it. Not only by adding this routine can you get long, luscious and healthy hair, but also a very relaxing session. While there is no cure currently for this type of hearing loss to regenerate the damaged parts of the inner ear your hearing loss can be treated rather effectively with hearing aids. Hearing X3
Arvin juliana
Sep 15, 2021
In Pilgrimage
If we are looking to lose weight, we must be aware of the tricks that will help us to be slimmer without the need for extra effort. Today we tell you one of them To lose weight, not only do you have to take care of what you eat at lunch and dinner, but also first thing in the morning. Choosing what to eat breakfast, and at what time to do it, is perhaps the most difficult thing if we want to lose weight. When we get up, we grab the first thing we see around the kitchen to get out of the way, we have a quick coffee or, even worse, we eat nothing. Outcome? That we end up slowing down our metabolism. That is, that we burn fewer calories at rest just for having skipped a meal. By having breakfast, we 'communicate' to our body that we are already on the move, making it become active and start working, that is, burning calories. Although there is diversity of opinion among experts as to when we should have breakfast, most agree that it should be done. Today we tell you this and more information that will be of interest to you and a very valuable tip. The morning trick that will make you lose weight fast (and it's not breakfast) There is a trick, endorsed by experts, that helps us lose weight and stay healthy and strong for the rest of the day. And it is none other than drinking two large glasses of water as soon as we get up: before even the unforgivable coffee in the morning. Humans lose water throughout the day, and being more than six hours without ingesting liquid we need to replace it before consuming any food or drink. In addition, it is a gesture that helps us lose weight. This was proven by this study, published in The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, which found that drinking two large glasses of water in the morning increased people's metabolic rate by 30%. And you already know: the more metabolism, the greater the burning of calories and fat without doing anything else. When to eat breakfast if we want to lose weight Experts agree that breakfast should not exceed 30 minutes once we are awake. Daniela Jakubowicz, author of the bestseller ' The Big Breakfast Diet ', assures us that we must eat the first meal of the day as soon as we wake up, since "our brain needs energy immediately". However, the best thing is to listen to your body: if you are one of the typical people who when you get up nothing fits, you can have breakfast up to two hours after opening your eye. But this is in rare cases: it is best to do it within 30 minutes of getting up. What to eat for breakfast to lose weight, according to science According to a study published in The Journal of Nutrition, a team of researchers tracked the eating habits and BMI of more than 50,000 adults over seven years, and found that people who started their days eating scrambled eggs, a bowl of yogurt and fruit and other healthy foods "experienced a decrease in BMI compared to those who did not eat breakfast," the researchers concluded. They did not discover anything new: losing weight puts the body in gear and helps us to eat a balanced diet throughout the day. In fact, those who eat breakfast are thinner: according to this study by the Food & Brand laboratory of Cornell University, 97% of the 147 thin people surveyed confessed to eating breakfast regularly. "An important conclusion from this study is that a very high rate of people who are lean always eat breakfast, " wrote study lead author Anna-Leena Vuorinen of the VTT Technical Research Center of Finland. Your digestive system is busy. When you eat something, your food takes a twisty trip that starts with being chewed up and ends with you going to the bathroom. A lot happens in between. The health of your gut plays a key role in your overall health and well-being. You can make choices to help your body stay on tract. Synogut
Arvin juliana
Sep 14, 2021
In Pilgrimage
Healthy urine consists of yellow waste products that dissolve in water. However, there are a series of shades or color of urine that may be telling us that we need to drink more water, or in the worst case a visit to the doctor. Keep reading because below we will explain the possible cause that you are not urinating of the normal and adequate color of optimal health. The smell and color of urine can be an indicator of health For a doctor, just as the colors and shapes of the stool can provide great information about the health status of a patient, urine can also be the key to knowing. One way for doctors to find out what is going on inside the body is to examine what is coming out of it. So don't be surprised if the next time your doctor requests a urine sample for a seemingly non-urinary complaint. In fact, by submitting that small sample, you are participating in a medical tradition dating back more than 6,000 years. Today, urinalysis can reveal a lot about a person's health. But even the simple color of simple urine alerts us when to seek medical attention. The color of urine can change due to something as harmless as medicine or food, or as malicious as infection or cancer. Pink or red urine If the urine is pink or red, due to the presence of blood, it is enough cause for alarm. If you see blood in your urine, even once, you need to see a doctor. It may be nothing, but it could be a sign of an early kidney stone or cancer of some kind. Color "Coca-Cola" This red color is not the only indication of danger. Sometimes it has a color like Coca-Cola. This may be due to old blood from a tumor or kidney stone, or a blood clot in the kidney, which is very common in people with sickle cell disease. Another reason people might get urine colored from this soda is from crush injuries, such as those suffered during earthquakes, because the muscle has been crushed, and pieces of this tissue enter the bloodstream. and are filtered by the kidneys. Foamy urine Don't be alarmed if a little foam remains in your urine when you urinate. It commonly happens when you urinate too fast. But if the foam still continues and you urinate slowly or as you normally do, you should consult your doctor. This condition could be indicating that there are high levels of protein in what you eat, or perhaps possible problems in the kidneys. Color of urine of the brown type Liver damage can also lead to brown urine, as can porphyria, an inherited blood disease. And also eating large amounts of fava beans or rhubarb can turn urine dark brown or black. Clear urine It might seem like a contradiction, since the cleaner the urine, the fewer the related problems, but having clear urine could mean that you are drinking more water than you need. It is recommended only to drink the amount of water necessary for your body, which would be more or less between 6 to 8 glasses of water daily. If you urinate transparent, it means that your body is over-hydrated, and perhaps this could lead to a series of complications, such as that your kidneys may not be able to work that fast to remove urine out of your body accumulating a lot of water in the body. This can cause imbalances between the sodium and water in your blood. Blue or green urine Green or blue urine can be due to a genetic condition called "hypercalcemia", which is a rare inherited disorder that even affects babies. Commonly, this color in urine results from dyes in food. Certain dyes used in some tests to determine bladder and kidney function also turn urine blue. If even after these tests you still have this color, get the relevant tests to rule out urinary tract infections. Orange There can be a number of causes orange colored urine. Problems in the bile duct or liver, can be possible problems that cause this color. Also check if your stools are of this type of color, since if they are, this can be closely linked to similar conditions. Dehydration can also cause a deep, concentrated orange color in your urine. Urine color from medications But not all abnormal urine colors are bad news. In fact, if you've eaten large amounts of beets or blackberries, don't be surprised by red or pink urine. And certain laxatives can also turn it red. The same goes for orange urine, if you've taken a urinary tract pain reliever that contains phenazopyridine , your urine may look like orange soda. That the medicines change the color of the urine, this is already something very well known. Methylene blue, which is part of some common medications for bladder discomfort, can turn urine blue or green. And too much water-soluble vitamins can make urine appear brighter yellow than normal. Strange smells An inherited condition, maple syrup urinary disease, so named because it makes urine smell as sweet as maple syrup, comes from the body's inability to digest certain amino acids. It is usually diagnosed in children treated with dietary restrictions, who must start early to prevent brain damage or other problems. In many states, every newborn is tested for this disease. The sweet smell of urine can also indicate diabetes mellitus, as excess sugar in the blood makes its way into the urine. And as medieval doctors already knew, sugar also affects the taste of urine, but this is a diagnostic test that you probably prefer to do as little as possible. But that is not all. The studs provide urine a peculiar smell that only some people can perceive. At the laboratory According to doctors, the probability of seeing patients with strange colored urine is one percent. So most of the clues that doctors look for in urine are invisible, only detectable in the laboratory in a urinalysis. There are test strips that you can dip into your urine and determine the likelihood of infection. Analytical labs can also test for tiny amounts of blood sugar, amino acids, and other molecules. This assumes a concentration number in the urine, and in the drug filter. And by examining the tiny crystals in urine under a microscope, doctors can diagnose certain types of kidney stones. Dehydration is the most likely urinary problem people will encounter. And dehydration, as seemingly mundane as it is, can be a very serious and fast problem, especially for the urinary system. The problem appears when the urine becomes concentrated, the ducts can become clogged. When the kidneys become occluded, it can lead to kidney failure. An average adult needs to drink about one and a half liters of water a day, and try to pee that same amount of water, so if you sweat a lot, you may have to drink a lot more. Collagen is a skin-firming protein that strengthens skin and also promotes elasticity and hydration. A go-to supplement to take if you want to boost your complexion, The Friends star swears by Vital Proteins' Collagen Powder, and she even adds it to her morning coffee. Collagen Peptides
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